

Keep up to date with the latest news from WebScho. We will be posting regular articles about test prep, studying advice for parents and students, as well as general ACT information.

How to Interpret your ACT Score Report

What does your ACT score report mean for you? You are going to receive a score report, like the sample one below, either by mail, email or you can check your scores online about two to three weeks after you have taken the test.

Upcoming ACT Test Dates

ACT Test Dates (National and International)

National Test Dates

National test dates are for the United States, United States territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada. If you have missed the late registration deadline for a test date, you may be able to request standby testing. 

FAQ: Why take the ACT over the SAT?

You know that most colleges require either the ACT or the SAT as a part of admissions testing but which one should you take? We believe that understanding the differences between the two standardized tests shows that the ACT gives you a better opportunity to do well with dedicated preparation.

FAQ: Why Choose Webscho?

In this post we will explain why we think you'll succeed at the ACT if you apply the strategies and tips that Andy has developed over a decade of tutoring experience.